A swift, logical and highly effective method of treating the myofascial system,
primarily using instrumented treatment protocols
A swift, logical and highly effective method of treating the myofascial system,
primarily using instrumented treatment protocols
As practitioners we all want to provide the best service possible for our patients, successfully treating a whole range of problems they present with. We also want to increase our knowledge about injury diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. MC enables us to provide specialised treatment for the myofascial component of injuries enhancing our clinical results, increasing our scope of treatment and refining our clinical skill set.
In the last 30 years most of us have been treating patients without really taking into account the role and importance of fascia in injury and rehabilitation.
The recent studies into fascia’s function have revealed that it’s role is so important that it seems difficult to believe it has been almost entirely overlooked by the medical establishment for the last 100 years.
MC provides specific treatment protocols that have a powerful effect on the myofascial system addressing this need for a specialised treatment which will have a powerful beneficial effect on the dysfunctioning fascial component of injuries.
It can be used as a very powerful system of treatment in it’s own right but we have designed it to compliment your existing treatment.
MC as an incredibly effective and easy to learn add-on to your existing technique which will enhance your clinical results, usually providing instant quantifiable changes which will surprise you when you first use it, it will also increase your scope of treatment, thereby improving your reputation as your your ability to treat patients improves making you a much better all-round practitioner.
We also provide a system of specialised exercises using the Steel Mace (Macebell) for both practitioners and patients massively increasing their core strength, fascial elasticity and general strength and flexibility.

Over 30 percent of muscular force generated is due to the fascia. It’s role in human movement is incredibly important, those superhuman feats of strength and athleticism that we read about are due primarily to the fascia.
I have used different soft tissue instruments in the past and have found these myofascial correction instruments to be particularly effective and ergonomic to use. The myofascial release bar is new to me in practice and has provided an effective treatment modality which is quick and easy to use.
” I was very impressed with the ergonomic design of the instruments and their effectiveness. Myofascial correction is a very effective technique I use regularly